November 18-24, 2013
(beginning of week 9)
How far along: Pregnancy
week 9
Our baby is officially a fetus!
Total weight gain:
Maternity clothes:
None. I can wear my normal pants keeping
them buttoned but my skinny jeans need a rubber band to button them. When I get home from work I love to change
into lounging pants.
Stretch marks:
Sleep: Work makes
me tired, so I try to get home to take a nap but nap or no nap I am exhausted
by bed time.
Best moments this
week: Ending the school week and starting Thanksgiving Break! I plan to take naps every day.
Miss anything:
No, but I am getting tired of trying to keep being pregnant a secret around
Food cravings:
Just eating often, and making sure I have a good snack when I get home before
dinner, otherwise my stomach does not feel good.
Anything making you
queasy: If I do not eat a snack often I might feel off or a little queasy.
Gender: Unknown.
Labor signs: No.
Belly button in or
out: In.
Wedding rings on or
off: On
Happy or moody: Happy,
even at work. Moody if I need to eat (I
feel bad for Will).
Looking forward to:
Having a week off from work (and no I don’t go in or bring work home-well maybe
just writing names on papers)!
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