
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Week 18

January 20-26, 2014

How far along: 18 Weeks, officially 5 months.-I can not believe how fast these months have gone by (waiting until week 12 to tell people makes the pregnancy feel so much shorter).
Total weight gain: Unknown, but this week even Will was able to point out that I am eating more (which in his words “it is odd to see you eat as much as a normal person”).
Maternity clothes: This is a bad week for this question.  Ever since being on bed rest I have been behind on doing the laundry (yes Will is a lucky guy to have me).  Between bed rest, Christmas traveling, and Kindergarten Conference our laundry has gotten out of control.  So to finally answer this question this week I have been wearing maternity clothes, but more for the necessity of wearing clothes than physically needed to wear them.  As usual leggings every day but I have been wearing maternity tops because they are clean.  The maternity tops I have worn so far fit my cute little belly so nice and are very comfortable.  I am thinking of buying more (a parent gave me an Old Navy coupon) tops and leggings.
Stretch marks: No, but belly butter and coco nut oil every night.
Sleep: Great!
Best moments this week: On Monday Will and I both felt the baby!  We think we felt the baby, a little lump trying to readjust from me waking up and rolling over in the morning.  This week I think I have felt movements, but only when I am laying on my side.
Miss anything: I bought Will cherry soda and when I open the beverage fridge I feel like they are staring at me.
Food cravings: No, just making sure I snack throughout the day and trying to keep up on drinking water.  Will bought me a Britawater bottle and it has made drinking water all day so much easier.  I was bringing several bottles of water (Clean Canteen) which increased the amount of items and weight of things to bring to work.  The Brita water bottle makes my life so much easier and plus it is purple with a cute flower design.
Anything making you queasy: No.
Gender: We will find out in a few weeks!
Labor signs: No.
Belly button in or out: In and out, but I feel in a few weeks it may just be fully out.
Wedding rings on or off: On.
Happy or moody: Happy.  I love trying to feel the baby move, especially when Will has his hand on my belly trying to feel.
Looking forward to: My next doctor’s appointment to hear the baby’s heartbeat (I get worried every time) and for our official ultrasound.

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