
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Week 7

November 4-10, 2013
(beginning of week 7)

How far along: Week 7
Total weight gain: Unknown
Maternity clothes: No
Stretch marks: No
Sleep: Sometimes I wake up an hour before my alarm goes off to use the restroom.  If possible I try to take a nap when I get home (but not everyday).
Best moments this week: I had staff members observe a student in my classroom and when we were discussing teaching strategies, I became very sensitive and emotional about my teaching performance and started crying.  Afterwards I felt embarrassed for crying in front of staff members so I talked to my principal and told her I was pregnant.  She gave a loud “yeah” and gave me a huge hug.  My first time telling someone at work (and then told two other teachers who also gave beyond happy hugs).
Miss anything: For some reason it is soda, even though I rarely drink soda.
Food cravings: Does water count?  I am constantly thirsty during the day.
Anything making you queasy: Luckily no, but I felt carsick when we drove to Maple Creek to visit friends.
Gender: Boy or Girl
Labor signs: No
Belly button in or out: In
Wedding rings on or off: On
Happy or moody: Happy at home, moody at work
Looking forward to: My first doctor appointment next week!

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