
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Week 18

January 20-26, 2014

How far along: 18 Weeks, officially 5 months.-I can not believe how fast these months have gone by (waiting until week 12 to tell people makes the pregnancy feel so much shorter).
Total weight gain: Unknown, but this week even Will was able to point out that I am eating more (which in his words “it is odd to see you eat as much as a normal person”).
Maternity clothes: This is a bad week for this question.  Ever since being on bed rest I have been behind on doing the laundry (yes Will is a lucky guy to have me).  Between bed rest, Christmas traveling, and Kindergarten Conference our laundry has gotten out of control.  So to finally answer this question this week I have been wearing maternity clothes, but more for the necessity of wearing clothes than physically needed to wear them.  As usual leggings every day but I have been wearing maternity tops because they are clean.  The maternity tops I have worn so far fit my cute little belly so nice and are very comfortable.  I am thinking of buying more (a parent gave me an Old Navy coupon) tops and leggings.
Stretch marks: No, but belly butter and coco nut oil every night.
Sleep: Great!
Best moments this week: On Monday Will and I both felt the baby!  We think we felt the baby, a little lump trying to readjust from me waking up and rolling over in the morning.  This week I think I have felt movements, but only when I am laying on my side.
Miss anything: I bought Will cherry soda and when I open the beverage fridge I feel like they are staring at me.
Food cravings: No, just making sure I snack throughout the day and trying to keep up on drinking water.  Will bought me a Britawater bottle and it has made drinking water all day so much easier.  I was bringing several bottles of water (Clean Canteen) which increased the amount of items and weight of things to bring to work.  The Brita water bottle makes my life so much easier and plus it is purple with a cute flower design.
Anything making you queasy: No.
Gender: We will find out in a few weeks!
Labor signs: No.
Belly button in or out: In and out, but I feel in a few weeks it may just be fully out.
Wedding rings on or off: On.
Happy or moody: Happy.  I love trying to feel the baby move, especially when Will has his hand on my belly trying to feel.
Looking forward to: My next doctor’s appointment to hear the baby’s heartbeat (I get worried every time) and for our official ultrasound.

Week 17

January 13-19 2014

How far along: 17 weeks.
Total weight gain: I feel like I have gained weight since my last doctor’s appointment but amount unknown.
Maternity clothes: No. I am wearing leggings everyday (they are just so comfortable) and I can wear my longer shirts or sun dresses over my leggings.
Stretch marks: None.  I am using my belly butter and coconut oil every night.
Sleep: Thank goodness for my snoogle! I usually wake up once in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom.  This week I woke up twice and stayed awake for a couple of hours (I’m sure worrying about work) but surprisingly I was my usual peppy self at work-lucky students.
Best moments this week: People from work are noticing my little “bubble” baby belly.  Not best moment but trying to see if I can feel any flutters/bubbles from our baby but nothing.  This weekend I am going to the California Kindergarten Conference, so I am excited to be a pregnant teacher at the conference.
Miss anything: Going out to eat is challenging.  There are several food items I am to avoid and mix in food that I do not like or does not sound good, items to choose from are slim.
Food cravings: Cravings no, but I love eating celery- the watery crunch is so refreshing.
Anything making you queasy: Luckily no.
Gender: Unknown, we will find out in February.
Labor signs: No.
Belly button in or out: Out but semi in, although at the end of the day, especially after dinner, my belly feels so full and feels like it is stretching.
Wedding rings on or off: On.
Happy or moody: Happy.
Looking forward to: My mini teacher vacation at the Kindergarten Conference.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Week 16

January 6-12, 2014

How far along: 16 weeks.
Total weight gain: Gained 4lbs since first appointment (which makes everyone happy).
Maternity clothes: I have been wearing regular leggings everyday (they are just so comfortable) and regular tops (but my problem I don’t have many that are long enough to wear with leggings) and dresses over my leggings.
Stretch marks: None, and I have been using Mama Bee lotion on my belly every night.
Sleep: If I go to be late (midnight) and do not wake up to use the bathroom, but on work nights I get up once between 2:30-4:30.  I just love my Snoogle! (I might be saying this every week) It makes sleeping so comfortable.
Best moments this week: I got to hear the baby’s heart beat this week and my midwife said I was looking wonderful as well as my belly.
Miss anything: Having a cold beer while watching football, and being able to feel comfortable when sitting or lying down (I have to constantly readjust).
Food cravings: Just the usual raw vegetables and salads. I have been enjoying the Christmas candy we have in the house for dessert- sour patch kids and gummy worms.
Anything making you queasy: If I eat too much in one sitting it takes time for my stomach to settle.
Gender: We will know in about 5 weeks!  Will is feeling a girl and I have not idea (but my girlfriend has bags and bags full of boy baby clothes from her boys ready for us if we have a boy,-fingers crossed Erin).
Labor signs: No.
Belly button in or out: My belly button is not a full outie but out enough for us to tell.
Wedding rings on or off: On.
Happy or moody: Happy! (Well besides the moment I got upset because Will left the crackers I bought at friend’s house; but he bought three great boxes of crackers to cheer me up).
Looking forward to: My midwife said I should be feeling baby kicks on the inside.  After talking with my friend she said the inside kicks should feel like bubble popping (I told her not to use the word “flutter” since I’m not a butterfly).

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Week 15

(I can see the pictures do not capture how much I feel my belly bump has grown.  To me it seems very round and big.  I understand that people joke about not seeing a bump but I love looking down at my baby belly and see how much my precious baby is growing).

December 30, 2013-January 5, 2014

How far along: 15 weeks.
Total weight gain: Unknown.
Maternity clothes: I love wearing my leggings but I can wear my regular jeans with a hair tie, but in early evening I have to change into lounging pants to be comfortable.  I can wear regular tops but I find the looseness of maternity tops to be very comfortable (thank you Erin).
Stretch marks: No, and I got my first Belly Lotion and use it every night.
Sleep:  My friend, Erin, was so generous to let me borrow her Snoogle for my pregnancy. After sleeping on clouds when we got back home to Humboldt it felt like our bed was trying to kill me.  Our first night back I barely slept due to my hips hurting from my mattress, even with the Snoogle.  Our second night home I had to move to the couch during the night to give my hips a break and get some sleep.  After our second night Will and I went out and bought a brand new mattress.  The new mattress and the Snoogle make sleeping wonderful!
Best moments this week: Getting a new mattress.  Also I have a belly bump in the morning but gets larger during the day (assuming due to bloat).
Miss anything: Salami and Mad River Steelhead (beer).  Of course champagne on New Year's Eve!  I enjoyed my sparkling cider but it was odd not drinking.
Food cravings: Salad.
Anything making you queasy: Just making sure I eat snacks throughout the day.
Gender: Unknown.
Labor signs: No.
Belly button in or out: Still more out than usual.
Wedding rings on or off: On.
Happy or moody: Happy but sad that I have to go back to work next week.
Looking forward to: Our next doctor’s appointment and hearing the baby’s heartbeat.

Week 14

December 23-29, 2013

How far along: 14 weeks
Total weight gain: Unknown.
Maternity clothes: No, but the only thing I want to wear is my leggings (I have been wearing them every day so far during our vacation).  I have been wearing regular shirts and dresses (they are longer than my regular shirts).
Stretch marks: No
Sleep: My sleep has been amazing! We are staying in a bed that feels like clouds.  My hips don’t hurt, but still using a small head pillow between my knees.
Best moments this week: Telling our families and friends we are pregnant and seeing their happy excited faces.
Miss anything: I am being able to have a cold beer, especially since it has been in the 80’s in Orange County.
Food cravings: I have been loving carrots, celery, and salad.  The crunch of the carrots and celery is so satisfying.  I have been having a sweet tooth, if there is non chocolate candy around I am more likely to have a piece or two (licorice, donut, sour candies, and candy canes).
Anything making you queasy: As usual making sure I snack throughout the day and drink plenty of water.
Gender: Unknown.
Labor signs: No.
Belly button in or out: I noticed on Christmas that my belly button is starting to stick out.  Only Will and I can notice the difference, but everyone we show is excited for us.
Wedding rings on or off: On.
Happy or moody: Very happy!  Except when I started crying when I couldn’t find a parking spot at my friend’s house.  I was so emotional I ended up going back to Will’s grandma’s house where Will offered me a cocktail to make me feel better, which of course made more tears and laughing.  Coco (Will’s grandma) was kind enough to make me a pregnant cocktail- flavor bubble water.
Looking forward to: New Year’s Eve and celebrating the New Year, the year of our baby.

...and baby makes three!

Our little family is growing by one this year.  Will and I are expecting our first baby June 23!  After waiting almost 14 weeks we finally told our families.  We wanted to tell our families in person, so what better time that Christmas.  With eyes rolling I bought great t-shirts to make our big baby announcement.

"Baby Bumps 1st Christmas" and "Best Dad in the Galaxy"
We got double takes, tears, and yelps of joy.  I have been taking pictures since we have found out.  I am currently 16 weeks pregnant and just heard our baby's heart beat today-healthy and growing fantastically.  Enjoy our journey as we grow from three to four (yes we can't for get our first love, our dog Wally).

Week 13

It was ugly sweater day at work, hence my "festive" outfit.

December 16-22, 2013

How far along: 13 Weeks
Total weight gain: No gain since last appointment.
Maternity clothes: I can still fit into my skinny jeans (jeggings), but I have to use a hair tie to keep pants buttoned.
Stretch marks: No.
Sleep: Not sleeping through the night, and taking naps since still on bed rest.
Best moments this week: Officially off bed rest, but still trying to be on the couch as much as possible. Preparing to go down south to see our families for Christmas and finally telling them we are pregnant.
Miss anything: Being on bed rest I miss being able to clean the house and other daily chores.
Food cravings: No cravings but just the need to eat.
Anything making you queasy: Not eating snacks between meals.
Gender: Uknown.
Labor signs: No.
Belly button in or out: In.
Wedding rings on or off: On.
Happy or moody: Happy but frustrated being on the couch and see left over mess from our friends’ Christmas party.
Looking forward to: Two weeks of winter vacation!  Telling our families and friends (in OC) we are pregnant.

Week 12

December 9-15, 2013
(middle of week 12 )

How far along: 12 weeks pregnant
Total weight gain: Unknown
Maternity clothes: None, but I look forward to lounging pants when I get home from work and I would wear leggings everyday if I could.
Stretch marks: None
Sleep: I am still dreaming of the night I can start sleeping with the Snoogle (but I know Will is going to hate it).  I wake up at least once a night and it is so hard to get out of bed because the temperature has been in the mid 20’s.
Best moments this week: Well the best moment is mixed in with the scariest moment of the week.  On Wednesday (Will’s big birthday) I found out at school that I was bleeding.  So in tears my school helped me get a hold of Will and my belongings as we headed to the ER.  We were at the ER from 11:05 until 4:00.  I had blood drawn (which came back as a healthy pregnant lady and healthy baby), a bag of fluid, and an ultrasound.

The best moment was having an official ultrasound where we could  see our baby and its heartbeat!  This was beyond amazing.  Our baby did not like the sound waves the of the ultrasound tool and looked like a galloping frog on the monitor.  The baby was constantly moving around.  And Will was so surprise to hear that our baby is only 2 inches long, but looked so big on the screen.  The ultrasound technician said that everything about the baby and me looks completely fine and no worries from what she found, everything looks normal and healthy.

So when the ER doctor finally came in to talk with us, she explained that bleeding is common and that I probably over exerted my body trying to keep up with life.  Then she asked me what my job is (teaching transitional kindergarten) and I felt like she almost laughed because my job is high energy.  She then said I need to make an appointment with my midwife and that she is putting me on modify bed rest until I see my midwife.

So here I am on a Thursday just finishing up days of sub plans, just now starting to feel like I can rest.  Now Will is beyond stressed because our annual Christmas party is this Saturday and I can not help at all.  But I just think about our galloping frog baby and I makes me smile and feel so joyous inside.

Miss anything: This week it is being able to do the laundry and cleaning.
Food cravings: None, but a salad for dinner sounds wonderful.
Anything making you queasy: Just making sure I eat snacks throughout the day.
Gender: Unknown.
Labor signs: None
Belly button in or out: In
Wedding rings on or off: On
Happy or moody: Very emotional.
Looking forward to: My brother is coming to our Christmas party and I am so excited to tell him, as well as announcing to our Humboldt friends at our party that we are expecting a baby in June. (No more hiding my belly, not drinking, and watching what I eat).

Week 11

December 2-8, 2013
(beginning of week 11 )

How far along: 11 weeks
Total weight gain:  3 (but that was after a full day of eating and drinking water)
Maternity clothes: None, but I have retired skinny jeans and some other pants.  My favorite is leggings.  My stomach has a bump in the morning, usually my trained eyes can see it, but as the day goes on the bloat makes my belly bigger.  I have to choose my clothing wisely to hide the bloat.
Stretch marks: None.
Sleep: I wake up usually once at night, and I dream of the Snoogle my friend is letting me use once we go home for the holidays.
Best moments this week: We heard the baby’s heart beat through the Doppler.  The look in Will’s eyes was amazing.
Miss anything: Not this week.
Food cravings: No cravings, just the need to eat before feeling queasy.
Anything making you queasy: Not eating frequently.
Gender: Unknown.
Labor signs: No.
Belly button in or out: In.
Wedding rings on or off: On
Happy or moody: Well I was moody feeling overwhelmed with laundry and house chores this weekend.
Looking forward to: Will’s surprise birthday party!

Week 10

November 25- December 1, 2013
(beginning of week 10 ) Thanksgiving Week!

How far along: Pregnancy week 10

Total weight gain: Unknown, but next week I will have a number.

Maternity clothes: Same old, same old.  I use a rubber band on skinny jeans, but regular jeans are normal.  Being that I have a week off from work, when I’m at home I’m wearing lounging pants and sweatshirts- if I could only wear this every day.

Stretch marks: None.

Sleep: Hello middle of the night bathroom breaks!  This week I have officially started going to the bathroom once during the night.  It is hard because our house is so cold that I have to talk myself into getting out of the bed.

Best moments this week: Being able to take a nap everyday! Plus I also can feel my stomach changing.  My lower abdomen near my pelvic bones is firmer that the rest of my stomach.  A sign of a growing baby.

Miss anything: This week meeting up with Will for lunch was hard.  We decided on getting sandwiches, which sounded great, but then realize at the restaurant that there weren’t many options for me.  Oh how I miss salami sandwiches.

Food cravings: Nothing really, just eating snacks.

Anything making you queasy: No, but my sense of smell is on a roll. 

Gender: Unknown, just a healthy baby.

Labor signs: None.

Belly button in or out: In.

Wedding rings on or off: On.

Happy or moody:  This week I experienced hormonal emotions.  I found out by myself that one of our chickens got taken away during the night by another creature.  I was sobbing uncontrollably for an hour.  Even typing this make me want to cry.  I tell Will this is why I can’t have chicken, I get too attached.  So long dear chicken friend Collin, Collin the Chicken.

Looking forward to: Our doctor’s appointment next Tuesday!

Week 9

November 18-24, 2013
(beginning of week 9)

How far along: Pregnancy week 9
Our baby is officially a fetus!
Total weight gain: Unknown
Maternity clothes: None.  I can wear my normal pants keeping them buttoned but my skinny jeans need a rubber band to button them.  When I get home from work I love to change into lounging pants.
Stretch marks: None.
Sleep: Work makes me tired, so I try to get home to take a nap but nap or no nap I am exhausted by bed time.
Best moments this week: Ending the school week and starting Thanksgiving Break!  I plan to take naps every day.
Miss anything: No, but I am getting tired of trying to keep being pregnant a secret around friends.
Food cravings: Just eating often, and making sure I have a good snack when I get home before dinner, otherwise my stomach does not feel good.
Anything making you queasy: If I do not eat a snack often I might feel off or a little queasy.
Gender: Unknown.
Labor signs: No.
Belly button in or out: In.
Wedding rings on or off: On
Happy or moody: Happy, even at work.  Moody if I need to eat (I feel bad for Will).
Looking forward to: Having a week off from work (and no I don’t go in or bring work home-well maybe just writing names on papers)!

Week 8

My sister-in-law said I should be taking pictures of my baby belly.

November 11-17, 2013
(beginning of week 8)

How far along: Pregnancy week 8
Total weight gain: None, but I did get weighed during my doctor visit.
Maternity clothes: None.  My bloat is now making its way to daytime and by the end of the school day my stomach feels so full.  I am wearing my skinny jeans but for comfort I am wearing my jeans unbuttoned with a hair tie keeping my pants connected.
Stretch marks: None
Sleep: This week I have not been sleeping good.  So far my pee time is between 2:30-3:30 AM.
Best moments this week: The best moment is mixed in with worry.  At our doctor appointment I saw two drops of spotting so our midwife (who is awesome) did an emergency ultrasound.  I was so nervous I said Hail Mary’s the entire time, not looking at the screen.  The technician was able to find our baby and a heart beat.  Our midwife said we need to be optimistically positive and just to love our baby.  So far no spotting and everything seems to be as normal as I know.

Also I was so proud of myself it had to do blood tests.  I do not look forward to TB tests so I was really getting nervous about blood work, plus I had to fast until I went to the hospital- which wasn’t until 3:30.  Getting blood drawn was easy.  I had a nice technician who talked me through the steps and was so caring.  I had to fill 13 test tubes!  The apple juice I had to drink afterwards was very delicious and a nice reward for a job well done.
Miss anything: For some odd reason it is soda.
Food cravings: I have been looking to my peanut butter sandwich everyday for lunch.
Anything making you queasy: No, just that if I don’t eat right away in the morning my stomach feels uncomfortable.
Gender: Unknown, but right now we are just hoping for a healthy baby.
Labor signs: None
Belly button in or out: In
Wedding rings on or off: On
Happy or moody: I’ve been happy during work (yes not growling at my students) but tired when I get home.
Looking forward to: Our next appointment on December 3.  I should be 11 weeks pregnant and will have a formal ultrasound.

Week 7

November 4-10, 2013
(beginning of week 7)

How far along: Week 7
Total weight gain: Unknown
Maternity clothes: No
Stretch marks: No
Sleep: Sometimes I wake up an hour before my alarm goes off to use the restroom.  If possible I try to take a nap when I get home (but not everyday).
Best moments this week: I had staff members observe a student in my classroom and when we were discussing teaching strategies, I became very sensitive and emotional about my teaching performance and started crying.  Afterwards I felt embarrassed for crying in front of staff members so I talked to my principal and told her I was pregnant.  She gave a loud “yeah” and gave me a huge hug.  My first time telling someone at work (and then told two other teachers who also gave beyond happy hugs).
Miss anything: For some reason it is soda, even though I rarely drink soda.
Food cravings: Does water count?  I am constantly thirsty during the day.
Anything making you queasy: Luckily no, but I felt carsick when we drove to Maple Creek to visit friends.
Gender: Boy or Girl
Labor signs: No
Belly button in or out: In
Wedding rings on or off: On
Happy or moody: Happy at home, moody at work
Looking forward to: My first doctor appointment next week!

Week 6

October 28-November 3, 2013

How far along: 6 weeks
Total weight gain: None
Maternity clothes: None
Stretch marks: None
Sleep: Normal.  I’ve only been waking up 30 minutes before my alarm, sometimes able to fall back to sleep.
Best moments this week: Being able to take a two hour nap on Saturday and an hour nap on Sunday.
Miss anything: Cherry soda!  We went to get pizza and Will got a cherry soda and I was sad not to be able to drink cherry soda.
Food cravings: none
Anything making you queasy:  Lucky me nothing right now!
Gender: Unknown
Labor signs: No
Belly button in or out: In
Wedding rings on or off: On
Happy or moody: Happy for the most part but my temper is shorter during the school day (I just don’t know why my TK students can’t be quiet-haha).
Looking forward to: My first doctor’s appointment  in two weeks.

Week 5

October 21-27, 2013

How far along: 5 weeks
Total weight gain: None
Maternity clothes: None
Stretch marks: None
Sleep: Normal, no night time bathroom trips yet.
Best moments this week: Being one week pregnant!
Miss anything: This weekend we went to the brewery and it was sad not have a cold refreshing Steelhead Pale Ale.  We went to a pumpkin carving party and realizing that there are many food restrictions is tricky (no soft cheeses).  Also it was my first time trying to fake drink because we are not telling anyone yet, so I missed out on some fantastic wine.
Food cravings: None
Anything making you queasy: No
Gender: Our baby is a tadpole.
Labor signs: No
Belly button in or out: In
Wedding rings on or off: On
Happy or moody: Happy!  I am tired at the end of the day (teaching TK is now exhausting) and take a nap when I get home.
Looking forward to: My first doctor appointment on November 12!

Week 4

Yes we have two double lines and are pregnant! 

As many family and friends know Will and I have had many friends and families have babies at the end of last year.  I think we had 7 babies born in 4 months (August-November).  Needless to say my mind has been in full baby mode.  I have done plenty of reading and online looking about babies and pregnancies.  I had to say it, but I do love reading blogs when I am up late at night.

A dear friend of mine from grade school had a handsome baby boy last spring.  I loved reading her "Bumpdates" on her family blog.  My girlfriend Genevieve gave me her heartfelt congratulations and said I can use her "Bumpdate" questions (visit her loving family blog). Living in the opposite end of the state I thought capturing my pregnancy online our family and friends can follow along.  So...

Like any girl trying to get pregnant I am one of the girsl that say I won't test until my period is late, then end up take several tests before my period even starts.  I took a test on Friday and Saturday and thought that there could have been a very fait line, but decided it is just the lighting and plus I didn't have anyone to ask.  On Sunday I woke up early and decided to take a pregnancy test.  I read that your first pee of the day has the strongest reading, so this would be my one test of the day.  Low and behold I saw a strong line.  I was so excited but I wanted to tell will in a special way.

I wanted to buy him a beer I saw at a local market to give to him to celebrate.  At 6:30 in the morning I went online tjo research when our local market opens and what time of day you are allowed to buy alcohol in California.  So at 7:30 I got up telling Will I was going to buy cinnamon bread from the market (something that is out of the ordinary but at least I knew Will will be alssp when I left).  I bought the beer and tied the positive pregnancy test to it.

Big Daddy beer.  Poor Will, I woke him up early on a Sunday, although he was happy for the beer and said he always wanted to try the beer.  I turned the bottle so he could get a better view of the pregnancy test, and he asked me what it was.  I told him we were pregnant!  I was so excited to show him the test, so he turned on his beside light and tried his best to squint at the test, but said he couldn't see anything.  I looked at it again and the line was barely visible to anyone but me.  Luckily I have plenty of pregnancy tests I took anothr one to prove I wasn't seeing lines.

Here is the second proof we are going to have a baby!  Now Will is beyond excited and we spend all day just smiling and feeling a joy we've never felt before.

October 13, 2013
The day the pregnancy tests showed stronger double lines. 

How far along: 4 weeks
Total weight gain: None
Maternity clothes: nope, wearing my skinny jeans while I can
Stretch marks: None
Sleep: normal
Best moments this week: Seeing positive results on pregnancy tests!!!!
Miss anything: Wishing family was closer.
Food cravings: None
Anything making you queasy: No, but my sense of smell is stronger (Will and friends were kind enough to do dishes after watching a day of football).
Gender: Not yet.
Labor signs: No
Belly button in or out: In
Wedding rings on or off: On
Happy or moody: Ecstatic!
Looking forward to: Going to my first baby appointment, and getting a picture to prove that there is a baby on the way.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

It's Chrismas Time!

The Folger family has been very busy this December.  Between Will turning 30, several holiday parties, and preparing for Christmas in Orange County posting pictures has slipped right past me.  While uploading pictures from my camera to my computer I found some pictures from when we went to cut down our Christmas tree.

There was very little rain this year so no snow.

Wally dog had the best time ever wondering around the woods and smelling the new smells.  He looks very regal posing for his picture on the mountain.

After barely any rain Humboldt County had two weeks of freezing weather at night. Our pipes froze and surprisingly it started to snow at our house!  The snow didn't stay but it was crazy to have snowflakes and put us in the Christmas spirit.

We prepared for our Friends' Christmas party by decorating our house.  Will bought me a Mrs. Claus apron, which I think I wore every day when I got home from work.

 I made a wreath with the extra branches from our Christmas tree.  Even Wally loved the wreath.

Our friends throw an ugly sweater party every year.  Will and I out did our outfits from last year.

Our last party before heading down south is our Friends' Christmas party.  I don't have pictures to post since we were busy elves cooking and preparing for the big sit down dinner.  This year we had about 30 friends including, two friends from Washington and my brother and his best friend.  We had an amazing party, one definitely we will remember forever.

After a month of parties and holiday festivities and celebrations our little Wally dog is tired.  Little does he know he will have two weeks of crazy fun in Orange County for winter break.