
Monday, February 3, 2014

Chili Cook Off

Will and I entered the North Coast Big Brothers & Sisters Annual Chili Cook Off.  Will and I won last year so we had to try an out do ourselves.  Luckily we have friends and family here to help us prep and cook.  It was a beautiful sunny day in Blue Lake and the Mad River Brewery.  There were 12 contestants- individuals and businesses.  We had a great spot, we were in the corner of the L of the tables which was great because we had the sun to our backs to keep us warm and I was able to have a chair at our table so I could rest or at least stand with my knee on the chair.  We had many friends come as support us as well as friendly faces from the brewery.  And Wall was with us the whole time, being the best and cutest dog there is.  For the second year in a row will and I won first place!

Before the Cook Off began
Will ready for the competition and to feed the crowd

The power couple working away (Will would pour the tastes while I marked off the cards for each person)
The Folgers win!

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