
Monday, October 28, 2013

Pumpkins Everywhere!

These past two weekends Will and I have gone to two pumpkin carving parties.  We just love any reason to be with friends (and lets not forget the food and drinks).

Can you guess who did each pumpkin?  Will make the face on the left and I made the face on the right (can you tell I teach TK?).

Here are all the pumpkins from the first party:

This past weekend we carved more pumpkins and stayed out late into the morning with our friends (yes I was the one falling asleep on the couch).

There were so many pumpkins I had to take a couple of pictures.

Will's pumpkin is the large one in the back and mine is the little on that says "eek."

Here's a close up of Will's, he is an artist he didn't use a stencil like I did.

Of course a pumpkin party isn't complete without a family picture with Wally!

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