
Saturday, August 31, 2013

August 2013

Well another month flew by.  We were so lucky to have our families visit.  We started out with my momma coming for 10 days!  As well as Will's best friend's parents.  The highlight of the weekend was saying good bye to Big Brown (our big brown couch) and hello to Olive, our new super comfy couch.

We had a great time with my mom relaxing and setting up my classroom.  Plus Wally got tons of spoiled attention and belly rubs, he was so sad when she left.  But Wallly wasn't sad for too long because a couple of days later my sister-in-law flew up here to visit and Will's parents also drove up for a long weekend visit.  We had a fun Folger family weekend.  We made dinner, went out, saw the sites, and went to the Humboldt Food Expo in Blue Lake.  

Our summer fun had to wind down and I started back at work.  It was very different for me teaching at a new district and school but exciting. I just finished my first week and we had an overnight visit from Will's cousins (we love our families!).  To make sure our lives are never dull, after finishing my first week as a first grade teacher, it was decided that due to the influx of kindergarteners I will be changing from first grade to .... TK (transitional kindergarten)!!!!  I thaught TK last year and LOVED it.  Although I will have to change classrooms (yes all the hard work my mom and I put into my classroom has to come down and move) I am beyond excited to be teaching a school closer to home and in a grade I've taught before and love. 

Okay I did find a couple of pictures from August.

Wally with my sister-in-laws and future baby Tague.  

And Wally relaxing with my mom.

August was a jammed pack month, I wonder what September has in stored for us.

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