
Monday, April 11, 2016

24 weeks

This week was a long stressful week at work-something to attend every day after school and open house. We ended our week with an ultrasound to see the baby's face. It is always exciting to see the baby on the screen and watch her move.  She was yawning and fell asleep at one point. This past weekend I headed to OC for a baby sprinkle.

At my midwife appointment this week I gained 8 lbs, which is 2lbs less when I was carrying baby #1. In the mornings my baby belly feels petite but around lunch time it feels bigger. I get plenty of compliments on my bigger cute baby belly, which makes me smile.

23 weeks

This week I can tell my belly has grown, and more people can notice my clear baby belly. My lower back is getting sore and I think it's due to picking up Jimmy, but yoga helps (when I actually do yoga). We have a midwife appointment and ultrasound (to try and see baby girls face) next week as well as a baby sprinkle in OC. I am able to feel stronger baby movements and sometimes see my belly move- which is so cool.