
Sunday, January 31, 2016

14 weeks

13 weeks

This time for my photos I'm wearing the same outfit to see how I grow (last time I did not wear the same outfit twice).

12 weeks

Yeah we finally told our families (with our lovely announcement pictures) and then work. Finally no more trying to hide the growing baby belly.

11 weeks

Baby #2 pictures have all been taken at night, so my belly is bigger than in the morning, since I've been eating all day.

10 weeks

With baby #1 this picture was taken on Will's 30th birthday after we spent the day in the ER for unknown bleeding. We did go out for birthday dinner then bedrest for a week. With baby #2 no bleeding, no scares, smooth sailing so far.

9 weeks

8 weeks

Yes I am showing much sooner with this pregnancy than my first, but I love it!

6 weeks

I skipped two weeks due to traveling for Thanksgiving and because I forgot (weeks 5 and 7).

4 weeks

Since this is baby #2 I've been comparing my belly from both pregnancies.

It's that time again!

My wonderful mommy friend Carol took these fantastic photos of us to announce baby #2. We are due at the end of July.