
Sunday, December 1, 2013


We kicked off our Thanksgiving week with an early Thanksgiving dinner at a friend's house.  It was nice to sit down for a fancy meal with our friends before the holidays started.  

Our lovely host setting up the buffet of delicious food.

We decided last minute to stay in Humboldt for Thanksgiving.  We went up to Maple Creek and had a wonderful time in the hills.  We had a relaxing dinner and a fun evening playing a homemade horse racing game (Will and I each won one race).  We stayed the night and the had a wonderful warm November day of 60 degreees (unheard of for Humboldt County) and pressed our own apple juice.  Wally spent his Thanksgiving exploring our friends' property and the turkey the sneaky adults fed him.

While I was getting ready Will made our fennel, persimmon, and pommegrantite salad (which was delecious).

Lucky for me being a teacher I had the whole week off.  I was able to make Wally a Thanksgiving day bandana.

Happy Thanksgiving from the Folgers!